10 Days of Giving – Day 6

10 Days of Giving – Day # 6
Meet JACK!
Jack is a tender hearted 5-year-old boy from Horace, ND who was diagnosed with Esophageal Achalasia at only 8 months old. He has undergone far too many surgeries for his young age and continues to work daily on speech and feeding therapies. Jack’s parents, Luke and Nicole, remain strong and positive despite the ongoing challenges. They are truly inspiring!
Because Jack’s medical journey is ongoing, travel for the family is typically related to surgeries and hospital stays. Jack’s Day of Giving includes a family trip to Minneapolis, so he can enjoy a fun-filled family vacation in which a trip to the doctor is not part of the itinerary. He will be able to visit all his favorite attractions at the Mall of America with a stay at the Great Wolf Lodge to enjoy one of his all-time favorite activities, SWIMMING! We are grateful for our continued partnership with Great Wolf Lodge to help make this happen.
Jack and his sister, Charlie, were excited about their very own Polaroid cameras to capture fun memories in the year ahead. Jack loves everything about Christmas, so we were happy to send them all on the Holiday Lights Tour in cute holiday jammies of course!
This was the first time our entire Landon’s Light team and board members were able to join for a give! We are grateful for their dedication to our mission.
Please join us in praying Jack continues to hit positive milestones in the year ahead.