Project Kindness was created for teachers to honor Landon by shining his light and fostering kindness throughout the community. Kindness was a trait instilled in Landon’s character as a young boy. He had a natural ability to connect with people of all ages through his kindness and compassion for others.

Landon’s Light Foundation has allocated $20,000 to the Project Kindness Program. Teachers are required to complete an online application for their classroom with a description of their kindness idea and the requested budget amount. Classrooms will be allowed to combine their funds to carry out larger scale projects. Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Teachers will be notified of approval within 30 days of application submission.

Creating a culture of kindness amongst children helps form social and emotional skills to last a lifetime. Have you ever noticed that helping others makes you feel better too? Random acts of kindness have been proven to release our happy hormone, oxytocin while decreasing our stress hormone, cortisol.

As a result, simple acts of kindness can:
• Reduce anxiety, depression and stress
• Boost the immune system
• Improve self-esteem and mood
• Build an overall sense of purpose