Reese is an incredibly brave 17-year-old boy from Fargo, ND. In November 2022, Reese’s life took an unexpected and scary turn when what he thought he was experiencing were flu-like symptoms quickly escalated to finding out he had an enlarged heart. He was immediately airlifted to Minneapolis Children’s Hospital where they determined he would need a heart transplant. Reese received the ultimate gift and miracle, a new heart, on December 1st, 2022. We are so grateful the transplant was a success and Reese is back to living his life as a healthy and happy teenager.
Reese has two older brothers, Parker and Brady, and an older sister, Kali. Reese’s siblings and Mom, Denise, had their world completely turned upside down in a moment and they navigated this frightening and challenging journey with faith, strength and love. Denise was by Reese’s side every step of the way, ensuring he had the best care and outcome.
We are so happy Reese is eagerly planning for his future, including college. Reese’s Miracle Moment included a MacBook Pro and accessories. Reese loves to go out to eat and we were happy to include gift cards to his favorites, HuHot and Lucy’s. We were also grateful for the opportunity to provide much needed pampering for Denise.
Please join us in both prayer and celebration for the upcoming 1st anniversary of Reese’s transplant. We also ask you to pray that the organ donor’s family has found peace knowing the life-changing impact of their decision. Organ donation can save the lives of so many and change the next chapter of someone’s story. Reese, Landon’s Light will continue to shine on you, and we can’t wait for your next chapter to unfold!