Meet Claire! She is one spunky and sweet little lady who was born prematurely at 27 weeks and 5 days in Grand Forks. At 9 days old, she was transferred to Sanford in Fargo where she was diagnosed with BPD (Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia) which is a chronic lung disease affecting premature infants.
As Claire grew, her family and medical team determined it was best to place a tracheotomy and a g-tube to help support her better. While that helped a little bit, she was retaining fluid in her body which lead this sweet little lady being transferred to Denver for further care. While in Denver she was diagnosed with PLE (Protein-Losing Enteropathy) which causes protein to leak into her body out of her lymphatic system.
During her time in Denver, Claire had some ups and downs. In November, her family brought her back to Fargo thinking she was not going to make it and prepared to say good-bye. But, in true Clair fashion and much to her family (and doctor’s) surprise, she is GROWING and THRIVING!
We are thrilled to share this beautiful girl is finally on her journey to coming home in May! A special thank you to Michelle Warren for connecting us with this beautiful family.
Please join us in praying for Claire as they transition this strong and courageous girl home for the first time.