Meet Cole!
Cole’s journey started back in September 2023 when he started having stomach issues. For a whole week, Cole was miserable in pain and would cry all night long and at which point he was referred to a gastroenterologist. By the time that appointment came around, Cole was refusing to walk. This new development was concerning both the doctor and Cole’s parents, so he was referred to the hospital for an MRI. Since that night, Cole’s life has been a whirl wind.
The results of his MRI found lesions in his brain and down his spine. The next day, Cole underwent an 8-hour brain surgery to remove a tumor that was blocking his spinal fluid. The following day, Cole and his parents were flown to Rochester where they wanted to do emergency radiation of his spine at Mayo Clinic. With the tumors down his spine, they didn’t want him to have permanent damage.
While in Rochester, Cole received the diagnosis of Medulloblastoma and began his initial rounds of chemotherapy. During his stay at Mayo Clinic, Cole got extremely sick and was found to have suffered from hydrocephalus, on top of everything else. He had a shunt placed to drain the extra spinal fluid that was around his brain, which brought some relief.
Cole has been a one courageous kid through his six rounds of chemotherapy, with three of those rounds including stem cell transplants. His treatments have finished, and since this time, Cole has had to learn how to walk again, which is a work in progress every day! This kiddo has been through so much and continues to fight. But, with all he has been through he is doing amazing! Please join us in praying for sweet Cole and his family. We know you got this, buddy!